From the Studio | Meet the Educator: Diana Erb

Diana Erb is an award winning local artist who has been an instructor of visual art since 2009. She teaches in Kitchener, Waterloo, Stratford and in her own studio, Sights & Sounds, in New Hamburg. Diana holds a BFA in Art Education from Concordia University in Montreal. She also studied art at the Ontario College of Art and Design and at the University of Waterloo. Currently, Diana shows her work publicly and participates in the New Hamburg Live! Festival for the Arts. Diana’s approach to teaching places an emphasis on process over product in order to enhance independent creativity and artistic skill.

A Gallery Strat Chat:

Diana Erb Photo(Education Officer, Peg Dunnem & Art Educator, Diana Erb)

 Peg: Diana, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to sit down with me. I will begin by asking: What is your favourite colour?

Diana: Well, I suppose it depends on my mood and the time of year.

 Peg: What is your favourite colour this very second?

Diana: Purple.

 Peg: What is your favourite art medium and material?

Diana: Painting and Acrylics (paint).

Peg: That’s good news – since you teach painting with acrylics at the Gallery! What is your motto for teaching art?

Diana: Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. – Scott Adams

 Peg: My goodness – such a beautiful sentiment. Thank you, Diana. Who is your favourite artist?

Diana: This is a hard question. My first favourite artist, when I was a child, was Van Gogh. Currently, I like Mark Chagall.

Peg: Lastly, in addition to teaching and making art – what else should we know about you?

 Diana: I am a singer. Actually, I loved singing before I loved art. My mom was a voice teacher. This year, my husband and I started to perform together – our band is call Me & Mine. We sing mostly old folk tunes. Also, I love to garden.

Peg: Wow! An artist, singer, and gardener – you amaze me, Diana Erb!

Thank you, Diana. We adore your calm, creative, and kind demeanor. We look forward to your future teachings, amazing creations, and to someday hearing you  sing.

Please visit our website to view classes led by Diana Erb.

~ Peg Dunnem, Education Officer