Start of the Journey

Aidan ProfileA month ago, I stepped into the Gallery Stratford office for the first time – joining as Executive Director. I met my staff, learned where everything was, and had an introduction to the systems…

On the first day, it’s hard to know where to begin, where to cast your feet down for the start of the journey.

Yet, I feel fortunate to have been supported by the members of the board and the gallery staff as I made my transition into this role – not just on that first day, but continuously throughout this last month.

As the Stratford community becomes unveiled to me, I have come to see that it is an extremely innovative place and that creativity is something that doesn’t just define the more formal cultural aspects of the city, but that creativity permeates every aspect of how people live their lives here.

Both as the new director of the Gallery and as a new Stratford citizen, this feels like home.

I believe that creativity underpins innovation which is why when we teach children art, we are teaching them about how to think differently; we are teaching them to be leaders, inventors, designers, builders, and entrepreneurs. Art matters. It matters because without it, we wouldn’t have Apple iphones or Facebook or heck even the wheel. Art matters because it encourages us to be human – to dream, to aspire, to create new things.

Art matters very much to me. Today, a month after my very first day, I find myself happy at the helm of a wonderful, community-driven gallery, and happy that the journey is here and it is readied. It is time to set course and cast feet upon the road.

I hope you will join me often along the way.

~ Aidan Ware, Executive Director

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